The Fall of Lucifer

The Fall of Lucifer

As Satan is our enemy, it would be wise for us to know a little bit about him, so we can be more aware of his attacks.
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Spring 2023

This issue of Compass Check is all about dealing with challenges. When facing a challenge, it’s always good to know what you’re up against. One challenge faced by all mankind, whether they know it or not, is resisting the devil...

Do We Take the Devil Seriously?

Many in this society scoff at the concept of the devil. As God's people do we? We should, and we must be aware of his purpose to thwart God's plan and destroy us as God's children. In the split-sermon, Bob…

Were There or Are There Aliens on Earth?

Ancient alien theorists are clamoring to prove the existence of extraterrestrial alien beings on earth starting many thousands of years ago until now. The Bible shows us who the real aliens are.

The Day of Atonement - A New Beginning

The Day of Atonement represents the time when Satan will be banished. But there is much more to it than that. This special Holy Day represents the removal of unrighteousness and the time when we will be reconciled to God!

Satan the Devil (Fundamental Beliefs Part 3)

The speakers discusses the United Church of God's Fundamental Belief about Satan the devil. He is the adversary and accuser of the brethren.

Finding The Narrow Path

The archangel Lucifer attempted to exalt his throne above the stars of God, to ascend into heaven to be like the Most High. He was cast down. For 6,000 years mankind, deceived by Satan, has attempted, of his own devices…

Does God Allow Anger?

Does God allow us to be angry? Can we be angry at God? Where did anger originate? We can learn lessons from Jonah and his anger management. We can be angry but it must not lead to sin. If so…

Let There Be Light

The analogy between physical light and darkness parallels God’s plan for mankind in the scriptures.

Angels - Part 1

Mr. Wells delivers the first part of his series on The Angelic Host. Who or what are angels? What do they look like? How many angels are there? What is their purpose?