Beyond Today Daily

The Hero Fallacy

Do you ever wish you could be like the heroic men and women of the Bible but think that you cannot because they are different than you?


[Gary Petty] We just finished producing a Beyond Today program called, “Lord, Help Me Believe”. And we talk about some of the things that keep us from having real faith in God. And one of the points that we talk about is the “hero fallacy”. Here’s where we look at the great men and women of the Bible, and we say, “Well, yeah, they had faith, but we can’t be like them. I mean, somehow they’re different than us,” – not realizing that the stories are there to really be studied to realize they’re just like us. They had doubts, they had problems, they struggled, but in their weaknesses, we see God’s greatness.

So next time you think, “I don’t know, I wish I could be like the people in the Bible but they’re different than me,” just remember the hero fallacy. Remember that in your weakness, we can see God’s greatness, if you just trust in Him.

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Gary Petty

Gary Petty is a 1978 graduate of Ambassador College with a BS in mass communications. He worked for six years in radio in Pennsylvania and Texas. He was ordained a minister in 1984 and has served congregations in Longview and Houston Texas; Rockford, Illinois; Janesville and Beloit, Wisconsin; and San Antonio, Austin and Waco, Texas. He presently pastors United Church of God congregations in Nashville, Murfreesboro and Jackson, Tennessee.

Gary says he's "excited to be a part of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom over the airwaves," and "trusts the material presented will make a helpful difference in people's lives, bringing them closer to a relationship with their heavenly Father."

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