Beyond Today Daily

Why Hollywood Gets the Bible Wrong - Part 3

What advice do you give people about biblical movies?



[Gary Petty] We’ve been doing a number of BT Dailies based on a Beyond Today program we did talking about three ways Hollywood gets the Bible wrong. We’ve been talking about movies and how it’s amazing how many times that we’ll watch a movie based on the Bible, and yet, so many details – even sometimes the real meaning of what’s in the Bible – is distorted. When people come up to you and want to talk about going to movies and Bible movies and what recommendations – what advice do you give people about biblical movies?

[Darris McNeely] I tell them be careful, they might be wasting their money. That’s certainly what I did with the Noah review that we did several months ago when Noah came out, the movie that was a total mishap, really, about the story of Noah. I tell them just to be very careful, and certainly do not go thinking that they’re going to get an accurate, true representation of what the Bible says. And so I kind of say, in some cases, “Don’t waste your money”.

[Steve Myers] We were teasing about that earlier – let Darris go and watch it and spend the money –

[Darris McNelly] Yes!

[Steve Myers] – and listen to his review and then you’ll know not to go to the movie. And that’s one way you can deal with it. But I think another way is – all right, is it accurate? Is it portraying – and remember the context that they’re filmed in. The fact that they are based on a true story – they might not believe it’s a true story, but they take the stories and then they interpret the way they want. And so if you recognize that before you go and see these films, you’ll be that much farther ahead. But be sure you know the true story. So you’ve got to read the Bible. You’ve got to know what the facts are. So don’t just go there expecting to find truth. Know what the truth is. Read the book, because that’s really where the best story is.

[Darris McNeely] You know, I took that advice after I went to see the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings and we did a review on that here on BT Daily and I went back and I said – I hadn’t read Exodus for quite a while, so I read the first twelve or fifteen chapters of Exodus again, just to remind myself of all the detail, the fascinating story that it really is, which was missed and completely misrepresented in that particular movie. You should tell people, “Look, read the book”. It’s far more interesting. You’ll get far more out of it.

[Gary Petty] Anytime that you watch a movie that, say – “biblical movie” – what I suggest, afterwards, like you said, get the Bible, read the actual Bible account which will be much more enriching and more importantly, it’s the truth. So you’ll be able to discover what God wants you to learn.

That’s BT Daily. Join us next time.

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

Steve Myers

Steve is the Operation Manager for the Ministerial and Member Services department of the United Church of God. He is also an instructor at Ambassador Bible College as well as a host on the Beyond Today television program.  Together, he and his wife, Kathe, have served God and His people for over 25 years.

Gary Petty

Gary Petty is a 1978 graduate of Ambassador College with a BS in mass communications. He worked for six years in radio in Pennsylvania and Texas. He was ordained a minister in 1984 and has served congregations in Longview and Houston Texas; Rockford, Illinois; Janesville and Beloit, Wisconsin; and San Antonio, Austin and Waco, Texas. He presently pastors United Church of God congregations in Nashville, Murfreesboro and Jackson, Tennessee.

Gary says he's "excited to be a part of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom over the airwaves," and "trusts the material presented will make a helpful difference in people's lives, bringing them closer to a relationship with their heavenly Father."

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