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Lessons from the Book of Matthew Pt1

We start a series looking at the book of Matthew. We will be going through in detail the book of Matthew to look at what it has to say about our Lord and Savior and lessons that we can apply in our lives today. This sermon will cover the background to the book and the first 3 chapters.

Carl works as an engineer designing waste-water and water treatment projects. He enjoys spending time with his family and serving God’s brethren. Cooking and traveling are also some of his favorite activities, and he has enjoyed having the opportunity to travel to various places around the world for the Feast of Tabernacles (though he has yet to make it to Africa). Carl would love to switch careers one day and operate a sustainable organic farm. He attended Ambassador Bible Center in 2001, which he feels helped set him on the right path.

Carl has enjoyed serving and seeing God’s way in action at many camps over the years, and feels that one of the many benefits of camp is the building of positive relationships through shared experiences.

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