
What Do You Give Them?

What things should we ask God for? How should we respond to receiving gifts? Going through the book of Matthew backward helps to teach an important lesson.

Matthew- Forgiven

In the society of that day "tax collectors and publicans" were of the lowest reputation in Jewish society. Yet Jesus called Levi, a tax collector to be a disciple. His name was changed to Matthew, which means "gift of YAHWEH"…

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

Are You Poor Enough?

Have you ever thought about what it means to be poor? We most often think about dollars and cents when when we think about poor, but what about our attitude? Have you ever seen anyone have a 'poor' attitude? Have…

Jesus Christ is the Lord!

This Sermon is a continuation of the study in the book of Matthew by Mr. Jorge de Campos. Please join us for this very interesting video sermon and study of chapter 11 in the book of Matthew.

Why the Synoptic Gospels?

The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke seem to appear together in the early 60's AD. Why so late? And does that appearance have anything to do with the heresy that Paul is fighting at the same time? This sermonette…

God Makes Beauty Out of Ugliness!

Those God calls and uses may appear small, insignificant or sinful. But He sees beyond the outward appearance. In this sermon, Jerry Shallenberger, an elder serving in Atlanta and Buford, provides an insightful view of how God can take the…

Lessons from the Book of Matthew Pt1

We start a series looking at the book of Matthew. We will be going through in detail the book of Matthew to look at what it has to say about our Lord and Savior and lessons that we can apply…

A Servants Heart

God's nature is one of service. As we strive to develop Godly character in our lives we need to learn to serve from our heart. We can develop a servant's heart by following Christ's example of sacrifice, service and humility.

Tax Collectors and Zealots

The example of a Zealot and a tax collector gives Christians hope for renewed and reconciled relationships.