
Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?

David Jones takes a Biblical view on what exactly is considered sacred, holy and set-apart and asks the question "can man make something unholy?" and considers whether man can ever be considered sacred.

God's Food Laws (Fundamental Beliefs Part 13)

God's food laws had been established even prior to the time of Noah, as God did not need to give Noah explicit instructions on which animals were clean and unclean before they boarded the Ark. However, when the Levitical system…

The Sabbath Day (Fundamental Beliefs Part 10)

At the end of the creation week, God blessed and sanctified the seventh day, and in it He rested from all His works of creation. We too are to keep the Sabbath holy.

The Rule of Law - and God

In a split-sermon, Jerold Aust discusses the "Rule of Law" which is often spoken of in today's headlines. But there is more to obeying the law. Listen to find out what we need.

Don't Be a Spiritual Zombie

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 1/26/20 Orinda, 2/08/20 San Jose Honor God by presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, which is your responsible service. -- Rom. 12:1 Pls. Note: Addt’l msgs given in the SF Bay Area congregation may…

Encouraging Vision in the Household of God

As we enter a new calendar year in 2020, it is appropriate that we take stock of who we are as God's Household of Faith, and consider the focus and vision we need for unity and endurance as we draw…

Spiritual Sacrifices

Eventhough physical sacrifices of animals are no longer required, Christians still need to offer spirtual sacrifices. In this sermonette we review and examine the ten spiritual sacrifices a Christian must offer.

Who Will Dwell in God’s Holy Hill?

Who Will Dwell in God’s Holy Hill? What does it mean to abide in God’s Tabernacle, in His Holy Hill? I will expound on the five verses in Psalms 15.

Becoming Holy On The Inside

There are many parallels between the old temple and it's ceremonies for cleansing and the cleansing of God's people today. The Day of Atonement pictures the cleansing of God's temple, His people, today through the sacrifice that Christ, our High…

Where Were You?

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 9/14/19 Where were you on 9/11? If we are over 20 years old, we know exactly. And, as in this past week we remember 9/11, we also now look forward to the annual reminder of the Fall…