Beyond Today Television Program

Why Europe Matters: Ancient Roots

While European history is triumphal and tragic, it will again be at the core of startling future world events.


[Darris McNeely] Why does Europe matter to the world, to you, and to Bible prophecy?

Europe lies at the heart of the world. It is the center to a great culture. Europe has produced some of the world's greatest music, finest literature and exquisite art. 500 years ago it was from Europe that navigators ventured forth to explore distant lands and first circumnavigate the globe. Europe gave birth to the age of exploration that changed the world.

Tragically, Europe is also home to devastating wars that have killed millions. The two world wars of the 20th century originated in Europe.

Since 1945, Europe has worked to build peace through a growing union of states called the EU. Yet recent years have seen terrorism shake Europe to its foundation, threatening to change its future.

Join us on this edition of Beyond Today here in Europe as we examine: “Why Europe Matters.”

The Berlin Hauptbahnhof or railway station is a symbol of modern transportation. From here, you can travel throughout the continent.

Other than a vacation trip where you might visit places like London, Paris or Rome, why should you be interested in Europe? How do the events and history coming out of this region impact your life? Why should you seek to understand and care? Why should what happens in Europe matter to you?

Let's go back a little more than 100 years ago. Imagine you are here in Berlin. You can listen to the stirring music of Beethoven, Mozart. You can read great literature by any one of dozens of European authors. Every day brings news of an amazing technological breakthrough. You can buy clothing from Asia, food from Africa and if you have the money—you travel virtually anywhere in the world you desire. You are living in a wealthy, prosperous global world. You are a European. There is no reason to think the world order would not continue indefinitely. Your future seems bright and hopeful. The world is at peace.

But overnight this world is shattered.

War breaks out and the world is aflame. Within 35 years, at the conclusion of two world wars, 100 million people would be dead from war, starvation, genocide and pure human evil unleashed. And this city, Berlin would be reduced to people starving and cold and without hope.

And you wonder how and why did this happen. What does it all mean? What was it all for? If you had been alive then, and lived through that experience, you would want to know the answers to those questions. You would need to turn to a source that gave you real answers based on truth. No more human philosophy, failed religion or utopian political ideas, for they have all failed. Where then, would you turn?

So, why should you be interested in Europe? And why does Europe matter?

My father came from a farm in Missouri to the beaches of Normandy in June 1944 to help liberate Europe. By God's grace he survived, returned home and I was born.

I have a great deal of interest in Europe's history, and in future years you will as well. What happens in Europe matters to the world.

For more than 10 years Beyond Today has focused on Europe and the Middle East from the perspective of Bible prophecy. Though rarely given serious consideration, what God sees within Europe is what really counts. His political and geographic vision is far sharper than our own. He understands and sees trends and happenings as no human being or nation does. And our Creator has revealed His thoughts through the Bible.

Beyond Today does not rely on human insight to discern the lessons of history or understand the world today. We rely on the Bible as God’s Word of instruction for mankind. Here at Berlin’s Pergamon Museum we have pieces of Bible history that help us visualize one of the most dramatic scenes from prophecy. Here is proof the Bible’s words are true.

Hundreds of years before Christ, the prophet Daniel foretold future occurrences in Europe and the Middle East.

Daniel’s prophecy describes an image dreamed by a Babylonian king named Nebuchadnezzar. The dream is an image of a man with a head of gold, a chest of silver and belly and thigh of bronze and legs and feet of iron and iron mixed with clay. It is a fantastic image. Daniel’s interpretation of this dream describes four great kingdoms beginning with the one in which he then lived, Babylon. It’s a vision of world history from that day to the modern world, our time, and into the immediate future. It is the template to understand what really matters in today’s world.

Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar that his reign in Babylon is the head of gold. Babylon, the fabled city, the kingdom of the ancient world. Babylon, the name from the Bible that represents everything that stands against the righteous rule of God.

What was Babylon? It was a great city built on the Tigris River in ancient Mesopotamia. The Bible shows its origin as the city of Babel where men came together to build a tower unto the heavens. They said, “Come, they said, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

God concluded, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them” (Genesis 11:4-6).

God came down and confused their language. Men were scattered over the face of the earth. For a time, the building of the grand city ceased. But the story did not end. Their ambitions to build a society competing with God were only temporarily set back.

What began at Babel was Satan’s human system to counter the plan and purpose of God. What began at Babel was Satan’s age-long effort to build a common humanity apart from the knowledge of God. It is the effort to create a kingdom of a different god on this earth.

Here in the Pergamon Museum are remains of the ancient city of Babylon. What you see are actual panels taken from the throne room of Nebuchadnezzar, the same Nebuchadnezzar Daniel served. Imagine, as Daniel interpreted the dream of the king he stood next to these very panels. What they must have heard!

Before these panels, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that he is the head of gold. “You, O king are a king of kings, For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength and glory; ...where ever the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven, He has given them into your hand, and he has made you ruler over them all—you are this head of gold” (Daniel 2:37-38).

He tells him that other kingdoms will come after him. The most telling part of the image is the ten toes made of a mixture of iron and clay. The toes represent an unstable mixture of people and nations. The features of the image move us from the time of Babylon to the time when a stone cut without hands strikes the image on its feet, destroying it and then fills the entire earth.

What Daniel sees is world history from his time to the critical moment when the Kingdom of God comes to earth at Christ’s coming. Daniel lives at the time of the head of gold—Babylon. When Christ returns, Babylon will still be a factor in world events, and Europe will be a factor in that story. There is no other region from history that can fit what Bible prophecy describes.

The ten toes of this image correspond with another group of ten rulers, a superpower union, featured in the great ending prophecy of the book of Revelation.

Here’s what it says: “And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength to the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful” (Revelation 17:12-14).

These ten kings appear in the context of a great end time system called: “Mystery, Babylon the Great…” Babylon here is shown as an elaborate adorned woman holding a gold cup full of abominations and the filthiness…” It is said of this woman that “she is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” She is described as “that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18).

This description fits a great religious system. It has long been identified with the church centered in Rome, the Roman Catholic Church.

The woman is carried by a great scarlet beast that has seven heads and ten horns. This beast represents the political systems first identified in the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream beginning with Babylon. What began there flowed to Persia, Greece and then Rome. What began in Rome then migrated to successive kingdoms in Europe. John’s revelation is of this great political and religious system at the time of the end of the age—our day today. And its meaning is important to you!

These fantastic scriptures of Revelation, a “beast” with a woman riding its back, have been applied to the developing European Union. This woman, called Babylon the Great, is shown riding this enormous beast figure over a succession of epochs. The biblical symbolism here is of a church-state union—the woman representing a religious entity and the Beast a major geopolitical power. What we see described here is a power yet to arise in its final form on the world stage. A power that exerts far-ranging political and religious influence over people in all nations and ethnic groups.

So, why do we look at Europe and make this connection to Babylon? The answer is found by understanding something about Babylon. This is the ancient Ishtar Gate, one of the main gates into the ancient city. It was excavated in the 19th century and brought here to Berlin.

This gate was on the north side of the city and was one of the major entries into Babylon. An inscription found near the gate says it was built by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon and dedicated to the goddess Ishtar. We can see the images of dragons and bulls on the facade. You would approach the gate along a broad boulevard called the Processional Way, which is reconstructed in part here in the Pergamon Museum. You can see the lions placed on the walls along the way. This street and this gate was the scene each year of a great festival. Here were the parades and the crowds gathered to see the splendor and the glory of Babylon.

This entire scene was meant to strike awe into all who entered the city. Nebuchadnezzar wanted all to fear him and the power of Babylon.

Nebuchadnezzar’s power was in the ancient city of Babylon. As we look at today’s future Babylon, here in Europe at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, we come to understand something a little bit different to add to the story.

Europe today is not what Europe will be tomorrow. The world’s largest grouping of nations, today is going through a crisis of identity. Great Britain is exiting the EU. It’s the first nation to do so. And there are continuing financial crisis with poorer nations spending way beyond their means and having to be bailed out by the wealthier states, like Germany.

Russia on the east pushes at the fringes with propaganda coupled with attacks on Ukraine. And a weakened rather than a strong Europe is in Russia’s best interests.

Millions of immigrants from the failed states of Africa and the Middle East have strained the region’s social fabric. But the biggest threat to stability in Europe is the terror threat from radical Muslims inspired by ISIS and other terrorist ideas. France, England and Germany, and Brussels have been attacked. And more attacks can be expected until the day Europe wakes up, and realizes its survival hangs in the balance, and retaliates.

Europe as a union of nations and a power at the center of world affairs will not disappear. It may transform itself, but it will not go away. Europe has been at peace for more than 70 years and the present economic union is given credit for achieving this feat. But history and Bible prophecy show that this to not be the norm. It is an unfortunate truth.

Let’s go back more than 500 years ago to the great age of European exploration. Ships from Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Britain, France and others ventured out of this continent to all the lands of the globe. The world was transformed by that event. Where different nations and people with many languages and conflicting religions existed, they now came into contact with an idea called Europe. Europe was united in religion and a desire to gain knowledge and above all, to gain wealth.

As Europe spread itself around the world it created a common humanity. It created ties between people and nations based on commerce, culture and religion. This was what happened at the biblical Babel, when men said, “let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). Babel was about one world, a common humanity.

But this came with a high cost in human lives. During this 500-year period, as Europe colonized the world there began a continual stream of money and goods flowing back to Europe. The wealth of the world was extracted from the nations and enriched Europe. As you tour the capitals of Europe you see the palaces, the grand buildings and all the symbols that were once empires that controlled other people from far flung nations.

Here is what Nebuchadnezzar boasted about what he had built. “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:30).

Babylon at its height during the time of the prophet Daniel was an awesome city of beauty, power and wealth. To look at the partial reconstruction that we saw at the Ishtar Gate was to see what Daniel saw. Ancient Babylon is gone. But a modern Babylon will rise in the years ahead.

Revelation tells us that the coming Babylon is a unique religious political system that is a “dwelling place of demons...[and] every foul spirit and unclean and hated bird” (Revelation 18:2). Babylon is physical extension of Satan’s demonic kingdom. It is Satan’s kingdom on earth showing every aspect of his defiant way of life.

We are told that every nation on earth has become intoxicated by her wealth, glamor and her politics and her culture. Her lifestyle is described as that of an immoral woman who indiscriminately trades sexual favors for power, wealth and relationships. It is a system that has grown overly rich and luxurious, sucking the wealth from other nations (Revelation 18:3).

Babylon the Great to come, is a complete culture and system built on religion, politics and economics that funnels the world’s wealth into the hands of a few. And when it fails, those who profited the most will mourn and wail as they see their vast wealth disappear.

Reading Revelation 18 with a modern perspective opens our understanding. It is describing our modern global world. What is described as Babylon is a highly sophisticated network of governments that allow trade between nations on the seas, in the air and on land. Babylon is a vast financial network of banks and financial houses that control the flow of money and effectively determines who can buy and sell in the global marketplace.

The Babylon of the future is also a spiritual and religious system that deceives the nations by sorceries. Religion and Babylon are intricately intertwined creating a deceptive veneer of good works, appearing as a benevolent great power. But God shows it has been responsible for the violent death of the true worshippers of Jesus—the saints. It says, “In her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and all who were slain on the earth” (Revelation 18:24).

Now think about this.

You are a student of the Bible. You think you know all about Babylon and false religion. But beware. This Babylon will be cleverly deceptive and even religious God-fearing people can be taken in by the final appearance. Don’t be too sure that you know all there is to know. Babylon is a system we must understand if we are to escape the judgment God will bring upon it.

The highest cost of Europe’s idea was in human lives. As empires grew, as people were exploited, as wars of conquest were fought, it is estimated that more than 100 million people died from war, famine, starvation and other causes. Think about that number: 100 million people died for the idea of Europe. So that Europe could grow large, grow wealthy and say to the world, “Look at Europe! Look at our culture, our values, our ideas! Be like us. Be one people. Follow us!” Europe, the idea, is Babylon of old and Babylon of the future.

That is why we should read the words of God directed at the Babylon to come with this understanding. God’s judgment on Babylon lists her vast economic wealth in one very telling trading list in Revelation 18. The global behemoth to come trades in gold and silver, precious commodities, the finest of food and wine. This list reads like the world’s stock exchanges and trading floors. But the final line item on Babylon’s bill of goods is the most tragic. It says it trades in “the bodies and souls of men” (Revelation 18:12-13).

Here in Scripture, God gives the judgment on Babylon the Great—a final global economic power—it trades in “the bodies and [the] souls of men.” If we are to look to history to discern where we might find the seat of this coming power, we need look no further than the story of Europe. Europe sought to create a common humanity, a closely tied union of men and ideas through religion, economics, and power. European history will tell us what we need to know to understand these scriptures in Revelation.

Europe matters because it is here that the root begun in ancient Babylon settled. In Europe, the life blood of false religion conceived at Babylon, came to exist in the modern world. In Europe, the drive for control over all parts of civilization, first manifest in Babel came to refinement. Europe matters because it will be the place from which a final flowering of Babylon will burst upon the world with the promise of order and peace for all nations. Europe will be the mother to attract the gathering of peoples to her bosom, offering security and prosperity at a moment when it appears all may be lost.

Europe: Watch for some further crisis to appear and create the right conditions for a group of core nations to cede political and operational control to a power that can right the ship. It will come, and when it does, it will reshape Europe and possibly the world scene.

Everywhere you go in Europe, you see signs of the religious past and the religious present. This is the famous Castle Church in Wittenburg. Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation have made it a landmark. I realize that much is made about the post-religious nature of Europe today. It is true that secularism has a dominating influence on European culture, but religion in Europe is not dead—far from it.

Historically, the only world region that fits the description of the power foretold in Revelation 17 is Europe. No other region in history has provided the narrative for a combination of political, economic and religious power that impacts so much of the world. No other region today can come close to providing the elements of this prophecy. None.

A few years ago, I stood in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna's city center. It was an early Friday evening as people were leaving work and hurrying into the weekend. I watched the vast cathedral fill up with people coming and going for confession and quick prayers. Young and old streamed by me within the church and I thought, “This place is alive with activity!” I am reminded of the inscription on the cross in front of the Habsburg Palace that says, “Christus Hoffnung Europas.” Translated it means, “Christ the hope of Europe.”

At some point a crisis will arise whereby religion will be offered as the only solution for the stability of the world order. This is what we see in Revelation 17, a crisis so large that a core group of leaders will cede authority to a central power. This power will emerge vastly different than any other that we see today—yet, be firmly rooted in ancient and medieval tradition. Imbued with the power of popular religion, it will offer what seems the only viable hope of human survival and prosperity.

Why should you care what happens in Europe? Why does Europe matter? Because Europe will be at the center of future world events. We have seen Berlin, the capitol of a dominant German nation. We have seen a part of the glory of ancient Babylon. And we have seen where Europeans are working to create a state power unlike any the world has seen. And wherever you go in Europe the religious roots of the past are evident—just like the church behind me.

We are seeing the world shifting and the beginnings of new alignment in power and influence. A new “Babylon” will emerge. Now is the time to understand the words of this prophecy and heed the warning of God found in Revelation: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).

Let us all heed these words and pray fervently, “Thy Kingdom come.” For Beyond Today, I’m Darris McNeely. Thanks for watching.

> History comes alive when you connect it with God’s purpose for your life. Our free study aid, The Final Superpower will help you connect history’s dots and learn more about the story of Europe in Bible prophecy.

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[Steve Myers] Hi, I’m Steve Myers. I’m the pastor here at the United Church of God Cincinnati-East congregation. We have hundreds of congregations around the United States and across the world. I’d like to welcome you to come and join us on this great spiritual journey.

We’re committed to growing in our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ as well as fellowshipping with each other.

If you’re looking for a home that encourages living what the word of God really teaches, you’ve found the right place. We’re a family—a family of Bible believers committed to following Jesus Christ in everything we do. We’ve found god’s way is the best way to live.

We’re happy that you’re looking into what God is doing in our efforts to bring his message to the world. God is certainly pleased that you’re looking into knowing him better. And we’re here to help. We would love to have you come and visit and worship with us. We’re looking forward to meeting you soon. Come and join us.

[Announcer] For the free literature offered on today’s program, go online to Please join us again next week on Beyond Today.

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Darris McNeely

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.

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The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?

Ever since Great Britain decided in a June 23, 2016, referendum to leave the European Union, the big questions have been: What will this mean for Britain, what will it mean for the EU and even what will it mean for the United States and its relationship with both the United Kingdom and Europe?

The immediate impact of the decision has been currency fluctuations, stock market shocks and a great deal of speculation about Britain’s future role in the global economy and about its historic leadership role.

For students of Bible prophecy it has also raised the question of what this might mean for the world in light of Bible prophecies about events leading to the end of the age. It is this question that most concerns readers and viewers of Beyond Today.

Through the years we have described in detail what the Bible calls Babylon, a great religious and political power that will rise to dominate the world in the period prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. We have shown that the modern roots of this coming system are to be found in present Europe. The cultural and spiritual history of that region point to the place where this prophesied power will emerge.

The biblical book of Revelation describes this power in terms that leave no doubt that the world will be controlled by this system that will hold the nations entranced with its promise of order and affluence. Our study aid The Book of Revelation Unveiled describes in overview the magnificent prophetic hope contained in the Bible’s final book. But first come events that help set the stage, as we see taking shape in today’s world. Following is a brief summary.

A woman and a beast

Revelation 17 opens with a description of a woman clothed in purple and scarlet riding a ferocious-looking beast with multiple heads and horns. On the forehead of the woman is a name:“Mystery, babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth (Revelation 17:5). The woman is drunk with the blood of saints and martyrs of Jesus Christ. She is a symbol for a great religious system that opposes God and His people.

The beast the woman sits on is described in other parts of the Bible in terms that fit significant political systems that control large parts of the world at times in history. The prophet Daniel saw such images while in exile in Babylon, and they continue here in the book of Revelation.

The apostle John here sees a multiheaded beast with horns. It rises from among the nations. He mentions “kings,” or leaders of state, who give their power for a time to a single leader also called “the beast” (Revelation 17:12). While there is a time of mutual benefit and cooperation between the religious power represented by the woman and the political power represented by the Beast, it will not end well. The Beast turns on the woman and consumes her power and continues to make war on the Lamb, Jesus Christ. This system will even fight Him at His coming.

The global spiritual deception described here is unprecedented. Daniel presents a time of world trouble unlike any ever seen in human history (Daniel 12:1). Jesus even warned His disciples of a time of deception that could possibly lead astray those among God’s elect, His Church (Matthew 24:24).

The book of Revelation describes this deception as coming from Satan through three powerful spirits working though his chief human minions of the end time, the Beast and the False Prophet. The call to defend the corrupt world order created by this system called Babylon will bring the military powers of the world into one final battle against God at the time of Christ’s appearing (Revelation 16:13-14).

The events and setting for these scenes are beyond anything in today’s headlines. Frankly, they are beyond even the best fictional scenarios of apocalyptic disorder turned out by Hollywood or the best techno-thriller writers.

The facts of history can only give us faint foot tracks to guide us in discerning what they mean. The key to understanding is God’s Word and His Holy Spirit. It takes submitting your life to God, like the prophets of old had to do, to understand the times and what God is doing.

Bible prophecy provides stunning details of key events in history that impact His salvation plan for mankind. In coming to understand these, we can begin to discern the events of our time and their meaning and where we are heading in this unfolding plan.

To understand where the events of today’s world are leading, we must keep our focus on the hope and understanding God’s Word gives us.

Brexit—what happened

Britain’s decision to leave the 28-member European Union—of which it has been a member for more than 43 years—stunned the world. Even British voters were surprised. News reports and commentators were in a fog for several days trying to explain what happened, why it happened and what it meant. Much is still unknown about the impact Britain’s exit from the world’s largest trading bloc will have.

The vote immediately triggered the resignation of British Prime Minister David Cameron, who led the failed effort to remain in the EU. On July 13 Theresa May formed a new government and stated intentions to begin the difficult process to disentangle Britain from the EU, which could take several years. 

In the immediate aftermath of the vote, the value of the British currency, the pound, plummeted. London has grown to become the center of European finance. Will companies begin to move their operations away from Britain to maintain competitive advantage in the global economy? What will happen to Britain’s trade with other EU members? Many questions remain unanswered.

But no question is bigger than what will happen to the EU itself. The union has been troubled with other crises in recent years, such as the economic plight of such member nations as Greece and Italy. It has also struggled with how to cope with Russian aggression and intransigence along its eastern borders.

Most challenging, however, was the flood of more than a million immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa. The raging conflicts in the Middle East and chaos and poverty in northern Africa have driven huge masses of people to seek asylum and a better life in the EU.

The sheer size of such immigration has ripped the social fabric of Austria, Germany and Hungary in particular. Gains by right-wing political movements in these nations are fueled by the fears of those who feel their culture, financial stability and future threatened by strangers from vastly different cultures and completely different outlooks on life.

Radical Islamist terrorist attacks and skyrocketing migrant crimes have added to the uncertainty of life. British voters who opted to leave cited such immigration and migrant problems as a major factor in their desire to get out—and shut the door behind them.

The EU response to each of these crisis points has been lacking in vision and resolve. And now a major player in the EU has decided to go it alone. Speculation is that other EU nations may decide to hold referendums on the question of continued membership. The present EU has changed and will undoubtedly change more.

A world drawing inward

Britain’s vote to withdraw to its island is an example of the reaction occurring in other parts of the world. The march toward a global order, a world without borders, frightens people.

While people in the upper-income levels have grown richer, those in the mid- to lower-income areas have stagnated or grown poorer. Millions have seen their jobs displaced, and whole communities have been permanently changed. Add in vast cultural and moral change, and people worry over what the future holds. Fear and uncertainty are driving not only Brexit, but also the American presidential campaign and other cultural clashes.

Britain’s decision to leave the EU should be understood in a larger historical perspective. Britain has always been influenced by affairs on the European continent while at the same time developing within itself a distinct personality and worldview.

Historian Margaret McMillan wrote about this in The Financial Times: “The British, like all Europeans, have been part of a shared European civilisation. Ideas, goods, tastes and fashions have spread through a web of trading and communications networks for centuries. Even before the Emperor Claudius made Britain a Roman colony, the British were adopting Roman ways and trading for Roman goods. The Norman invasion brought what we now think of as a British tradition of aristocracy, along with castles and cathedrals” (“Britain and Europe: The Ties That Bind,” July 8, 2016).

English kings once ruled parts of France. When a new king was needed at the time of the 17th-century Glorious Revolution, the English turned to the House of Orange in the Netherlands. And the current House of Windsor, of which is Queen Elizabeth II, was brought into Britain from Germany, it having shared ancestry with the royal family in England.

The connections between England and the continent have been strong and consistent even as a distinct Anglo culture developed through law, language and tradition. England pursued a different destiny through the period of colonization that spread out of Europe in the 15th century.

Through the generations, Britain pursued a policy of keeping any one continental power from dominating all others. This was why England led a coalition to finally defeat Napoleon’s universal ambitions at Waterloo. It was these alliances that led England into both World Wars of the 20th century. The present EU is in part the result of the vision to prevent future war by maintaining an economic union. That dream is threatened by Britain’s exit.

The idea of Europe

The concept of Europe, what it is and what its boundaries are, has shifted through the ages. In the Roman period Europe was centered around the Mediterranean, what the Romans called Mare Nostrum or “Our Sea.” That concept of Europe spanned the present continent as well as North Africa and large parts of the present Middle East as far as the Persian Gulf. It was only after the rise of Islam, when European culture was driven out, that these perceptions and borders shifted.

Through the Middle Ages into the modern period, Europe was dominated by the church-state union called the Holy Roman Empire. This system collapsed after the defeat of Napoleon. With the fall of empires after World War I (Russian, Hapsburg, Hohenzollern, Ottoman), we’ve had a pause in this historic pattern.

The present world of Europe and the Middle East, both created in the aftermath of the two World Wars, is going through a strained and challenging period. War, mass migration, globalization and in particular the changing position and influence of both Britain and the United States, is having a major impact.

The UK’s departure from the EU is a significant statement against globalization, which dilutes national identity. In England many fear the nation is changing beyond anything they recognize. In many ways this is true. The same can be said of the United States. Terrorism, uncontrolled immigration and the elimination of traditional borders of trade, economies and culture have created a new world that unsettles many.

The world is now watching to see what will happen in Europe. How will Germany and France, the two largest nations, react? Will others decide to go? Will the present EU be reconfigured to a smaller but stronger grouping of core nations that go forward with a closer political, military and economic union? What will bind them together more tightly than anything to the present? Does Bible prophecy give any indication?

Some feel the key to a closer union of European states is the spiritual element, religion. Historical pattern provides precedent for this. And this brings us back to the subject of Babylon.

The religious-political system the Bible calls “Mystery, babylon the great” arises from among the world’s nations at a time of global crisis. The established order is threatened. Economic collapse could upend years of work and effort. World leaders unwilling to let that happen will come together to create what they see as the solution to strife, fear and an uncertain future.

Revelation 17:12, in describing 10 rulers giving their sovereign power to one figure, presents a critical moment where power is consolidated. “Peace and safety” will be proclaimed, and the world will wonder at what has been created (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). But we are not there yet.

What Britain has said with its Brexit vote is a resounding “no” to further cooperation within a growing supranational system that seeks conformity to a model of global unity. The EU’s present course is a union of nations without borders, where immigrants, workers and anyone can travel, work and live. The EU seeks a world order that alters the present idea of the nation-state. Its recent struggles reflect the immense challenge to this ideal, given the fact that most people want to remain French, Austrian, Greek or British.

In Genesis 11 the human intent was to build a city and a tower and to make a name to keep from being scattered across the earth (verse 4). God saw this would propel the human family more rapidly toward a crisis point than His plan intended. So He scattered the people of that day by confusing their language (verse 7).

The place of this ancient dream was called Babel, and it was the beginning of the human aspiration to create a world apart from and in defiance of God. Babel is also called Babylon, a city and empire that stood through the ages as the antithesis to everything God planned and worked toward on the earth. Babylon reappears in Revelation 17 in one grand final manifestation of opposition to God. It will astound the world and end in defeat at the coming of the Lord.

If you haven’t yet read our study guide The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy, go online now and begin reading the fascinating story of America and Britain in today’s world. See what lies ahead for these two nations. It will fill in the details of what this article addresses, giving vital background to Brexit and current world affairs.

What about you?

Revelation 18:4-5 contains a command from God that impacts us all: “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her [Babylon’s] sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.’”

This final system of Babylon is forming today and will make its appearance in God’s timetable as the events of the end of the age fall into place.

It’s hard for most of us to envision this. We live in a time of great wealth and technological marvels. Our global world contains innovations, comforts and pleasures that make life enjoyable, exciting and fulfilling. The challenge for the people of God is to navigate this world without being taken in by its charm and deception.

God says the sins of Babylon “reach to heaven” and that He will not overlook them (Revelation 18:5). Babylon will grow in power and luxury and then suddenly, virtually overnight, collapse in the final judgment God imposes (Revelation 18:7-9).

It’s difficult for God’s people to discern this without the spiritual insight and power He provides. You can study these passages and apply the history of Babylon and come up with a level of understanding. Babylon is portrayed in the Bible as the head of gold in the dream of Daniel 2. Babylon’s religion and culture has migrated through history, manifesting itself in Persian, Greek and Roman forms. Babylon’s roots live on and await the day when they will spring forth in full view of the world.

How will you know when it comes? How will you avoid the deceptive allure of the system and not be joined to it spiritually or culturally? This will be a challenge for all of us. Christ’s words to us to discern the signs of our time have never been more important!

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.


Babylon Stands Against God

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Bible prophecy shows a coming superpower called “Babylon the Great” will rise to dominate global events before Jesus Christ returns. God says to His people, “Come out of her . . . don’t take part in her sins.” What does this mean for you?

Could your religion—your faith—withstand the great deception prophesied to come upon the world?

The Bible contains a fascinating and mysterious book of prophecy titled Daniel after its author. In this book we see an outline of history that carries down to our time—today’s world.

Through the story of the prophet Daniel, we also see how one person could keep faith toward God in the middle of an ungodly culture and society called Babylon.

The final Babylon is greater than anything ever imagined by those who held its power in the ancient world. But the intention is still the same—to stand against God and to end His purpose for human life.

Our world today resembles this ancient culture of Babylon more than we realize. By looking at the story of Daniel, we can understand how we can maintain faith in God in the midst of a modern Babylon. Today more than ever we need the lessons of Daniel’s experience to understand the world around us and to live by God’s teachings.

Daniel’s story begins with the invasion of the kingdom of Judah and his deportation to Babylon. Babylon was the capital of the world’s most powerful nation. Along with the best minds and talents in Jerusalem, Daniel found himself thrust by God’s will and his own faith into a key position in the court of Nebuchadnezzar II, one of the most intriguing figures in history.

God gave Daniel insight into visions and dreams. Daniel wisely used his gifts to glorify God while not giving in to the temptations of Babylonian culture. Let’s understand what the Bible tells us about this ancient city and the empire called Babylon. We’ll start at the beginning of the story, in Genesis.

The story of a man and his city

It begins with a man called Nimrod, who is mentioned in Genesis 10. The Bible tells us only a little about him: “Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said, ‘Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.’ And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel” (Genesis 10:8-10).

Let’s dig into what the Bible says about Nimrod. He was a man who rose above his peers and contemporaries and became, as it says, a mighty hunter before God. “Before” in this case is negative—in the sense of being “in God’s face,” challenging Him.

And Nimrod’s claim to fame as a mighty hunter may imply more than simply being an accomplished slayer of animals—though he may have proved himself a strongman through such pursuits, gaining glory for himself. This role no doubt characterized his rule—the rule of a tyrant.

God’s ideal of a leader is that of a shepherd, not a tyrant. A shepherd guides and shields those in his care. A shepherd is a kind, caring and attentive leader who lovingly looks over a flock to preserve and to keep them, not hunt them and kill them and exploit them. Nimrod originated a system that acts as a predator of people.

Babel was the beginning of his kingdom—a kingdom that expanded into an empire.

Babel—or Babylon—is both a city and a system that the Bible shows endures throughout human experience. It enslaves the bodies and souls of men into a complex mesh of economics, politics and religion. Nimrod chained others to his wicked and greedy ambitions. In him we see the roots of what Babylon becomes. Babylon will rise again in the end time to dominate the world in one final attempt to build a “city” or system that defies the purpose of God.

Reaching defiantly to the heavens

Genesis tells us another story about the city founded by Nimrod. In involves the famous Tower of Babel.

“Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar [or Mesopotamia], and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, ‘Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.’ They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.’

“But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’

“So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).

Here we see the gathering of people together—one language, one speech. A civilization begins to develop in brick and stone. They say, “Let us build a city, and a tower whose top reaches to heaven.” That is a symbol of a human desire to exalt itself through culture above God.

The Tower of Babel represents a cultural unity where people work and create together. A tower that “reached to the heavens” shows their effort to defy the plan and purpose of God.

God could not allow this act of defiance. He confounded the language in order to scatter the people. What did God see in the hearts of these people creating this tower? It was an effort to defy Him and thwart His plan through a global effort to harness human wealth and skills.

Here in Babel is the seed of a system that spans the history of mankind into our day and beyond. Babylon, the city and the empire that rose from it, represented society in opposition to God’s way of life. It would continue to grow to become a great empire that would one day break the walls of Jerusalem and burn the temple built to honor God.

It’s important to remember Nimrod and Babel. He is not the last figure in the Bible who will defy God in this manner. A similar ruler will appear again at the time of the end.

Daniel stands against Babylon

Let’s fast forward to the time of Daniel and look at the character of this prophet. Daniel found himself among the Jewish captives transported to Babylon after an invasion by Nebuchadnezzar’s armies. Nebuchadnezzar was a tyrant, the spiritual heir of Nimrod. He commanded armies and the political, religious system that grew out of the culture Nimrod founded. Babylon was the larger, more powerful version of Babel. Daniel would need strong faith and courage to stand against this culture.

Daniel was taken to Babylon to be trained as a civil servant in the government. The king’s court was full of food, wine and delicacies—a place of physical pleasure. The Babylonians valued such feasting and didn’t follow biblical restrictions on what they ate. For Daniel, this was not an option. He knew God had certain standards in what human beings are to eat (see Leviticus 11). God’s law had determined how he would live, and there would be no compromise in his mind.

After hearing the requirements for his training in the ways of Babylon, “Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king” (Daniel 1:8, New Living Translation).

Daniel set his heart and his mind not to compromise with teaching and laws he knew to be eternal and unchangeable for the sake of convenience or to just go along with the times. Even in the face of the lavish temptations of Babylon, he held firm to his faith. He held firm to the life he knew even down to the food he ate. And God honored his faith.

Later, when Daniel heard the king had a dream no one could interpret, he asked for time and opportunity to know the dream and its meaning. With his friends, Daniel sought “mercies from the God of heaven concerning this secret” (Daniel 2:18).

This is quite a contrast in attitude to that of Nimrod, the tyrant who stood before God and defied His sovereignty. You and I need to be like Daniel!

Discern your times like Daniel

Daniel was a righteous man who was caught up in a period of great world upheaval. Instead of being overcome by the rapid changes happening in his life, he leaned into the wind and doubled down on his faith and belief in the great God. Instead of giving in to the lights and the glamor of Babylon, he remembered the grace and humility of Jerusalem—the city God chose. He chose to stand firm in the faith of his fathers and obey God rather than man.

Beyond that, he wanted to understand what this great empire and city called Babylon meant to the world. To use a term Jesus used, Daniel wanted to “discern” his time. He wanted to understand the current events and trends of his day. He went to God in prayer, asking for wisdom and insight into these events. And God gave Daniel that understanding.

God can give you that same understanding! The news today is filled with events that are reshaping the world we once knew. How do we understand this in light of what the Bible teaches and foretells? We do what Daniel did! We go to God in prayer, and we study the Bible to understand what’s happening in the world. Daniel would pray three times a day and ask God for understanding about the events in his day (Daniel 6:10). And God gave him an understanding about world history down into our time and to the coming of Jesus Christ.

Why does it matter that we discern our time? Because the Babylon we see from the time of Daniel is prophesied to have another life, a modern form that will emerge from the midst of today’s world!

The Babylon of the future

God gave to Daniel the understanding and interpretation of a dream by King Nebuchadnezzar. The king dreamed of a giant statue made from different materials (Daniel 2). The gold head of the image in that dream represented Babylon. The head directs the body. Babylon is an age-long system continuing to impact today’s world.

The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible says this about Babylon: “Babylon is . . . understood as the archetypical head of all entrenched worldly resistance to God. Babylon is an age-long reality . . . Babylon, the mother of all harlots, is the great source and reservoir of enmity to God . . . which gives power and authority to false gods . . . She is the antithesis of the virgin bride of Christ, the holy city, the New Jerusalem, the kingdom of God” (p. 338, “Babylon (NT)”).

Kingdoms are at war today flowing out of the story of Babylon we see in the book of Daniel. We can pick up the story in Revelation 17, where we see a set of coming events that form the concluding chapter of the story of Babylon the Great.

In Revelation 17, we are told of a time in the future where the world is at a critical juncture of greed, war and human incompetence. The global systems of commerce and government are on the verge of catastrophe. Currency and economic structures will collapse if something is not done.

At the moment when armies are poised to gather and people can do nothing but blaspheme God, we see that something emerges that promises to preserve and protect the global world order.

The apostle John sees in vision a woman riding a beast (Revelation 17:3). This woman symbolizes a false church, a religious system that has influence over political governments throughout history. The Beast here is a political system.

What does this mean? Briefly, we are looking at a biblical description of a combination of church and state that existed from ancient times. The multiheaded “Beast” ridden by this woman represents a historic relationship between a religious and political system through the centuries up to today. Here John is seeing this system in its final appearance. It’s a global power that will astound the world.

It might seem like this scene is an impossibility when we look at the way our present world is structured. In Europe, religion is not the great power depicted here. Yet religion is not dead in Europe, and it’s certainly not in other parts of the world. Religion rules the Middle East with the rise of militant Islam and its impact around the world.

Daniel’s example of faith in Babylon of old is a lesson for us as we face the coming Babylon the Great. Just like Nimrod’s Babel, the end-time Babylon will stand against God.

Babylon rules over a broken world

How will this end-time Babylonian system come into power? The Bible reveals there will be a crisis so great that it shakes the world with fear. Out of this moment someone steps forward offering a solution to the world crisis. A powerful combined political and religious system emerges. It will deceive the entire world.

The book of Revelation describes the culmination of this time symbolically: “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (Revelation 16:13-14).

What does this all mean? The dragon here is a symbol of Satan, the great deceiver of mankind. God rips the curtain aside and shows the real power behind the turmoil of the nations—both today and at the end. The nations of the world are at war because of the powerful spiritual forces that war against God and His purposes on earth.

This final Babylon the Great is larger than anything ever imagined by those who held its power in the ancient world. But the intention is still the same—to stand against God and to end His purpose for human life.

What, then, does all this really mean for you? What the Bible reveals about the future is of course fascinating. And it’s important to be aware of and educated about it. But why should you be concerned?

This knowledge should motivate you to holy conduct. You need to fill up your life with God so you’re not deceived. Jesus wants you to understand this lesson: “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame” (Revelation 16:15).

Jesus Christ tells us to consider our spiritual condition. If your spiritual life isn’t rooted in strong biblical teaching and faith and good moral conduct, you stand in danger of being caught in the web of this end-time deception!

Prepare for Babylon now

Do you think you have the ability to stand against the deception of this final hour? Don’t be too sure! You may consider yourself to be a good person, right with God and a follower of Jesus Christ. But many sincere religious people today lack the kind of conviction and courage based on sound biblical teaching that will withstand this deception!

Your religious belief may not be strong enough to keep you from the deception of this hour. Your religion could be a part of this end-time system! You need to understand this—you could become a part of this system without knowing it.

This end-time Babylon is Satan’s final attempt to destroy the human creation and end God’s eternal purpose. Yet God will allow this deception to go only so far.

God says to any who will hear and understand, “Come out of her my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4).

Will you hear and come out? Will you be like a Daniel in the midst of a modern Babylon and determine to obey your God regardless of the cost?

Babylon the Great as described in Revelation is an attractive culture. And it is developing today before our eyes. We are living in the midst of that emerging system. In fact, in many ways it is already here—a modern Babylon that continues the age-long work of Satan.

We live in the most prosperous time in all human history. Our global economy has produced technological marvels beyond our wildest imaginations. But don’t let yourself be lulled into accepting the moral, cultural and spiritual values of the Babylon described in Revelation.

Today we are being conditioned towards tolerance and acceptance of lifestyles and immorality that directly contradict biblical teaching. Don’t be deceived into compromising what God commands!

Like Daniel, who resisted the temptations of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, we must remain faithful to God. Again, God tells His people to come out of this false system or face its judgment.

Will you make the choice to come out of Babylon and live a godly life in today’s world? What are you doing with the understanding you have? Are you looking for a church that follows biblical teaching? Isn’t it time to be sure that what you believe and practice is truly based on the Word of God?

Make the commitment to worship God according to biblical truth rather than human tradition. Take time to study the Bible and get to know the true God. Honor Him the way He wants to be honored, not through the traditions created by men!

Darris McNeely works at the United Church of God home office in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years. They have two sons, who are both married, and four grandchildren. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. He also is a resident faculty member at the Ambassador Bible Center teaching Acts, Fundamentals of Belief and World News and Prophecy. He enjoys hunting, travel and reading and spending time with his grandchildren.